Monday, July 28, 2008

Pixar's 'Up'

It's too bad that Pixar only makes one movie every year. If they could make twice as many, that would be awesome.

"WALL-E," while not their best, was amazing. And now a teaser for their next one, entitled Up, has been released. In spite of the premise of lifting a house using normal balloons being rather absurd (because people who make movies about toys coming to life clearly care about realism), the simple teaser makes me want to see it so much.

Supposedly, there have been people grumbling about Pixar. Apparently, they don't think people would want to see a movie about a senior citizen coping with his wife's death. Ignoring the fact that they're more excited about "Bolt" (a dull-looking 'factory' movie), how do people think that Pixar's off-the-track storytelling will damage them? Right from the beginning of their feature-film output, they've gone as far away from the typical "believe-in-yourself" morals that most animated movies have. Their stories are usually different from the normal ones. Apparently, continuing on this track is bad, never mind how well it's served them before.

I'm sure that they'll hide the story about death in advertising. (The teaser focuses on the much-easier-to-digest idea of a house floating into the air.) But they've done this with their previous movie, "WALL-E." They didn't make it clear in the advertising that I saw that the first 30 minutes were close to silent-film ideals of visual storytelling over dialogue-based. Nobody's complaining too much about that. If anybody can make an odd, potentially depressing story work, it's Pixar.